After selling my Ruger Mark III many months ago, this is my on 22LR Handgun and with the high cost of ammunition, is the handgun I shoot most frequently ... and I REALLY enjoy shooting it. Its proven to be much more reliable and fun than I expected.
After the initial cleaning (before shooting any rounds), I was curious how rounds I could shoot before a 'failure to feed' might occur and it was many more than I expected; about 500. I was shooting Eley's Club Xtra bulk (500 round box) - which has a waxy film on each round which I attribute to a dirty build up on the feed ramp, etc. I think it could have shot more if I'd been shooting CCI.
Since cleaning, I've only been shooting CCI and the dirty build up negligible (for a 22LR that is). I've run about 500 CCI's - no issues. Cycles like a Swiss Clock.
The M&P®22 COMPACT is light weight and small enough to fit in my front pant's pocket and I do EDC.... please no comments about 'stopping power' of a 22LR... a 22LR is better than nothing.... "some is better than none" and with little recoil, I can get off three accurate rounds very fast.
The mags hold ten rounds.
It has an ambidextrous thumb safety.
The rear sight is adjustable.
I find the trigger to smooth and not too heavy nor too soft.
I have a long thin fingers and the handgun fits my hands well.
Obviously, I enjoy shooting this handgun.
The M&P®22 Compact is very similar to the my M&P Compact in 9mm which is one reason I purchased. Obviously the 22LR is lighter, smaller and cheaper to shoot.
My review of my 9mm Compact is at
One draw back, I can't find more mags. When I originally bought the Compact 22 many months, I immediately purchased two more mags and am glad I did (it came with two). S & W doesn't even list them on the web site anymore.... they did when I purchased. I did not purchase the mags directly from S&W - I just verified the Manufacture's Part Number (MPN) on the S&W web site before I ordered from a third party.
Bottom line..... I recommend the S & W M&P®22 COMPACT and CCI ammo.
Link to S&W site:
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