In Beta... Dedicated email addresses for those wishing to show their everyday support of the Second Amendment Right to Bear and Bear Arms with a "YourName"@2A.email address with complete privacy from Big Tech!

Dedicated email addresses for those wishing to show others their everyday support of the Second Amendment Right to Bear and Bear Arms with a "YourName"@2A.email address.
Our goal is Determine marketability of the 2A.email domain offering electronic mail addresses.
We wish to test the desire for those passionate for the 2A to have an email address dedicated to supporting the Second Amendment (2A); offering an alternative to Gmail.com and Yahoo.com .
This venture will not be uncomplicated, easy to create and maintain and, therefore, will not be free - we don't have the financial and in house technical resources required yet (as does Google and Yahoo) . We project the cost at $100 per year for each subscription and once we have 200+ pledges of support, we will begin development.
The recipient will receive not only a 'name'@2A.email address but, also discounts on products, services and shipping cost not otherwise available.
2A.email will be a hub for Firearm industry information including 2A political news, product reviews, etc.
As stated above, we wish to determine your future desire for a "name"@2A.email address. We are not requesting any money now but, are asking for your future pledge to purchase a “YourName”@2A.email address .